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Chapter News

  • Alpha Nu Research Scholarship Application is now Open!

    The Alpha Nu Chapter of Sigma is pleased to offer a Research Scholarship to support the research endeavors of its members.  Annually, Alpha Nu will award a Research Scholarship of up to $3,000. Depending on the number of applications received, the budgets of the applications received, and the merit of the applications received, this Research Scholarship may be divided up among more than one applicant. 

    Applicants must be current members of the Alpha Nu Chapter of Sigma. 

      • If you are a member of Sigma, but not a member of the Alpha Nu Chapter you can add the Alpha Nu Chapter.
      • If your Alpha Nu Chapter membership needs to be re-activated, visit, alphanu.sigmanursing.org.  
      • If you are not a member of Sigma and would like to become one, you can apply as a Nurse Leader. Contact Jim Mendez at James.mendez@villanova.edu for further information.  

    Please email bingbing.qi@villanova.edu for the application. Completed applications are due by February 15, 2025 to the Chair of the Alpha Nu Awards Committee, Bing Bing Qi at bingbing.qi@villanova.edu.  

    Any questions can be directed to bingbing.qi@villanova.edu.


    Thank you and we look forward to your application. 



  • Alpha Nu Awards Application is Open!

    The Alpha Nu Award Nominations are open! Please click the link below to nominate a friend/colleague/student for one of our 6 Alpha Nu Awards.  Winners will be announced at our Alpha Nu Induction on April 30, 2025.  The award descriptions are within the nomination link below and attached to this email. Nominators and nominees for the Excellence awards do not have to be members of Sigma or be Villanova faculty or students.  

    Click below to submit a nomination.

    Nominations are due by February 1, 2025. 

    Any questions regarding the nomination process can be forwarded to Bing Bing Qi at bingbing.qi@villanova.edu

Chapter Events

International Events